Recommended Books
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Recommended Books is a compilation of programming and security books that you might find helpful. Other related information can be found at the Consultants page and Related Links page.
The Consultants page is a list of individuals and companies who are available to help with your projects. The Related Links page offers information like projects using Crypto++ and other similar libraries.
C++ Books
- The C++ Programming Language, Special Edition - The C++ manual from the original designer of C++, Bjarne Stroustrup. This edition is up to date with the ISO/ANSI C++ Standard.
- Modern C++ Design: Generic Programming and Design Patterns Applied - How to do really amazing things with templates.
- Effective C++: 50 Specific Ways to Improve Your Programs and Design - Tips on using C++.
- More Effective C++: 35 New Ways to Improve Your Programs and Designs - Additional tips on using C++.
- Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software - A survey of popular design patterns and how to use them.
- Exceptional C++ - C++ puzzles and solutions
Cryptography Books
- Applied Cryptography: Protocols, Algorithms, and Source Code in C - A very good introduction to cryptography from a practical perspective.
- Practical Cryptography - A hands-on implementation guide with detailed discussions of design decisions.
- Cryptography Engineering: Design Principles and Practical Applications - Discussions of implementations details of modern crypto systems.
- Handbook of Applied Cryptography - Excellent crypto reference book.
- Handbook of Applied Cryptography (online) - All chapters of the latest edition are available online. Thanks, CRC Press!
- A Course in Computational Algebraic Number Theory - Get this book if you are interested in learning about some of the number theory related algorithms in Crypto++.
- Security Engineering - Ross Anderson's treatment of designing and implementing secure systems.
- Engineering Security (online) - Peter Gutmann's treatment of designing and implementing secure systems.
- The Art of Computer Programming : Seminumerical Algorithms - Volume 2 of Donald Knuth's classic series The Art of Computer Programming.
- A Few Thoughts on Cryptographic Engineering - Matthew Green's blog on cryptography.
Crypto-Related Fiction
- A Fire upon the Deep - Reading this book may have caused me [WD] to write Crypto++.
- A Deepness in the Sky - The equally good prequel to A Fire upon the Deep.
- True Names: And the Opening of the Cyberspace Frontier - This book contains the novella "True Names" by Vernor Vinge.
- Cryptonomicon - An interwoven story about World War II code breaking and building a present-day data haven in the Philippines.
- The Diamond Age - Neo-Victorian nanotech with crypto.