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The individuals and companies listed below have experience with C++ and Crypto++. At least one of them is likely to be available and interested in your project, for the right price. If you find interest lacking, try However, it is likely you will find more experience with the individuals and companies listed here.

Open and closed source projects can list themselves on the Related Links page of the wiki.


Second Mouse Publishing, LLC has extensive experience with Crypto++ and can be contacted for consulting to help your company get Crypto++ in place for your security needs. We do general IT consulting and Custom Programming. We have worked with clients worldwide and are very good at finishing what others have started and failed. Hence our name, Second Mouse Software, the Second Mouse gets the cheese.

Feel free to contact me directly at [email protected] for inquiries or visit SecondMouse to get our free Simple ActiveX Control that encapsulates the Rijndael algorithm in Crypto++. It can be found on our Free Code page.

Seekford Solutions, Inc.

Seekford Solutions, Inc. provides custom software development with expertise in Internet protocols, encryption and security. We are happy to help you implement the crypto++ api, or create a project based on the technology to meet your needs.

Jeffrey Walton

Please contact Jeffrey through noloader, gmail account. Jeffrey is available for projects as time permits, and he provides free consulting to free and open source projects.

Dave Modi

MCL, Mumbai, India. Website:, email: [email protected].

CredenTek Software & Consultancy

CredenTek Software & Consultancy Pvt Ltd. has good experience in providing Crypto++ support.