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Crypto++ 5.6.1

Crypto++ 5.6.1 was released on August 09, 2010. The 5.6.1 release fixed several bugs and added support for AES-NI.


The download is available from the Crypto++ website. The checksums for the download are below.

Mirrors for the download are below. Note that GitHub and Sourceforge checksums on the ZIP or TAR are different because each creates the archive from sources.

Release Notes

The release notes for Crypto++ 5.6.1 follows.

File Changes

Below is a list of files that were added or deleted at Crypto++ 5.6.1.

$ git diff-tree -r --summary CRYPTOPP_5_6_1 CRYPTOPP_5_6_2 | grep -v "change" | awk '{$2=$3=""; print $0}'
create TestVectors/mars.txt
create TestVectors/wake.txt